Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Pages

We've added a couple of new pages to our blog, and will soon have them updated.  Soon you'll be able to see wonderfully detailed photos of our Villagescapes in our Photo Gallery page, and articles we have written in our Stories page. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Great News! Now anyone can post

Just thought I'd let everyone know that for now, anyone can make a post to our blog. Want to make it as simple as possible to interact for you fans of Village Fantasies, and those who just want to share thoughts and ideas about harvest and Christmas villages.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Smell of Cider Brewing and a Christmas Village Display Around the Corner

Riley's at Los Rios Ranchos

Locally here in Southern California, many of us have a fall season destination where we can get away from the common everyday congestion and angry tirades that are encountered throughout an everyday clock cycle.  One of our family's favorites is the small mountain foothill town of Oak Glen just at the base of the San Bernardino Mountains above Yucaipa.  My own family has been visiting the town known for its apple orchards and village lifestyle for over 50 years now. The fall season brings the harvesting of numerous varieties of apples, amazing apple pie, and cleaner air to breathe than what we're used to on the lower flatlands.

One thing is missing though. A town Harvest Village Display, and when Christmas arrives, a Christmas Village display. Oak Glen would benefit tremendously from a grand display set up at a central point for visitors to linger around and enjoy as part of the yearly festivities.
After dinner at Hawk's Head Public House
at Riley's Farm in Oak Glen

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Ushering in the Harvest and Christmas Village Season

We may have finally reached our true fall season here in Southern California, as we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday seasons. I should say the Harvest and Christmas village seasons, for those of you who are die hard villagers like us.  Would love to hear what everyone has in mind for the upcoming village displays. Not necessarily what pieces you are putting out this season, but how you plan on displaying them that is new. We're all about the creativity and design here, not so much about the collecting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Christmas and Harvest Villages - A New Horizon

I was asked recently why I discontinued the main Village Fantasies website, even though it had risen to the top of the second page of Google and Yahoo alike under "Christmas Villages" and "Christmas village displays". It was a really popular site, but took too much work, and we felt it wasn't serving the purpose intended. We're hoping the blog and this fan page will rise to that same level of entertainment and following. Thank you everyone.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Harvest Villagescape and Christmas Villagescape Photos to come

Stay tuned for some new photos and hopefully a video of our new Harvest Villagescape to welcome in the Harvest Thanksgiving season. Soon after we'll be unveiling some changes to our ever popular Christmas Village display, or I should say our Christmas Villagescape.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The harvest season is here!'s finally starting to look more like a fall season around here. Clouds in the sky, blustery winds, and a few drizzles dampening the pavement. If only our maples trees would turn yellows and reds instead of that crispy brown we've come to know.